Purbeck Ice Cream

We’re very excited to share that we are now stocking Dorsets favourite… Purbeck Ice Cream. Serving as the perfect treat for those warm summer days, and even the rainy ones… after all, we brits love ice cream at all times of the year right?

With an impressive array of flavours, we’re sure we have something for even the most discerning of tastes. Our personal favourite? It’s got to be Stem Ginger… trust us when we say its incredible, and very refreshing! Head to the Purbeck Ice Cream website

Our guests can enjoy Purbeck Ice Cream during their stay, which is served from our lovely dining area and bar. If you are looking for a relaxing, quiet place to hold a meeting and find yourself craving one of the nations best loved ice creams, then we would be delighted to serve you.

Just ask a member of staff on your next visit!


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